Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring In Харків (Kharkov)

Sometimes it is really hard to come up with material to write in the blog and sometimes, funny things just happen as nature changes the world!

Strange things happen in Kharkov with the onset of Spring!

I can see the curbs on the street.... there is no snow or ICE ! I can see blossom on some trees and even green shoots coming up from the ground ...... and.... it is in the + temperatures. Spring in Kharkiv has arrived and very quickly. Instead of people shovelling snow, they are now painting!!! Yes painting.... trees, curbs, playgrounds, car parking spaces on the road and anything else they can paint !!

Sasha, Mishka and I were going to work one morning in the VOLGA, & I noticed that a lot of the trees had  recently been painted white, from the ground up to about a meter above the ground.... some higher, some lower, depending on the area and the size of the tree. So I ask Sasha...”Why do they paint the base of the trees?” Sasha replies..” To stop the rabbits”.... “What rabbits?” Mishka & I ask in unison and look at other . I laugh as I think of people thinking that Roos hop up & down Flinders Street in Melbourne & here am I looking for rabbits in the middle of Kharkov !!!!!. I think maybe Sasha was having an English translation moment (love you Bravehoof)! . I was not happy with the rabbit explanation, so the next day in the VOGLA, I asked Dima the same question, with Mishka in the car. Dima’s explanation was that they paint the trees to stop the insects that carry disease! I am still confused. Some insects fly!!! ..... so what happens if the insects fly higher up than a meter.... ? Still not happy with the explanations, the following day, Maryna, Mishka and I were doing some corporate tourism at the finished goods warehouse.... Yes Bob, I am continuing the tradition in Ukraine.. so I asked Maryna why they paint the trees. Her answer is very hard to explain in writing. So I need you all to make a fist with your hand. Now extend your index finger out and wiggle the first and second knuckle in the finger and click your tongue !!! This represents some sort of crawling creature.... like a worm or caterpillar ! Now I like this explanation and it makes sense. Who needs the English language to communicate!!! So it would seem that the trees in Kharkov get a coat of paint to stop the creepy crawlies from invading the bark of the trees and spreading disease.... not for rabbits or flying insects!

Pic of painted tree in my courtyard,
but there are several trees in my
courtyard and this is the only
one they painted?? Maybe the
creepy crawlies dont like the other trees!

Maryna's theory was
well communicated

By the way, they have huge European Wasps over here & they love my balcony!! I wonder if they have Mortein and Aeroguard over here !!!

Trees are not the only things that get painted after Winter. The playground in my apartment block was lovingly repainted last weekend and all over town on the ride to and from work, I see people painting iron fences, brick work, curbs etc.... as I said, it keeps people employed and the place is clean and tidy... take notice Melbourne Councils.

Few more pics to brighten the blog.
Inna's name up in lights
on a shop in Krakow!!
Sign post with all the distances
 to differend cities from Krakow.
Everything is so close compared
to Australia! (click on the pic to enlarge)
And back in Kharkov, a few pics with a couple of mates when we went out for a few drinks.
Anya and little sis Masha
Anya & Mez 
Mishka and Maska have been..... organising a trip down to Crimea during next weekends long weekend. Unfortunately, air travel is quite expensive within Ukraine so we are taking an overnight train down to Simferopol and a whirlwind 3 or 4 day trip around, ...maybe arrive Wednesday morning have a shower then back to work!!!! Hmmm... I getting to old for this sort of stuff. Still it should be fun and probably the only opportunity I will get to see some part of Ukraine other than Kharkov.

So the next blog will be stories from Crimea

Today 25th of April is ANZAC day. On this day every year, Australians honour ANZAC Day. It commemorates the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. The date, 25 April, was officially named ANZAC Day in 1916. 

For my European mates, click on the links to learn more about the ANZAC history & listen to the last post

The rising sun

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”

Lest We Forget


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Poland Mourns

A short blog dedicated to my Polish mate Michal and his countrymen and women.

Today April 18th, was the state funeral of Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, tragically killed in a plane accident in Russia last weekend. A funeral Mass was held in St Mary's Basilica and a procession took the coffins to be buried in the historic Wawel Cathedral in Krakow. The coffins were placed in the royal crypt beneath Wawel Castle where 17 Polish Kings lay in rest.

I have been very privileged to have recently visited the beautiful St Mary's  and Wawel, in Krakow where this funeral took place. Unfortunately today, I saw this city on TV in very sad circumstances 

This tragedy will remain in my memory.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tale of two cities..... part three.. Krakow Funhouse !!

Krakow... click on link for more information, used to be the capital of Poland and is the second largest city in the country and I have to say one of the prettiest and friendliest I have seen and visited in Europe. There are a lot of European cities that I like, but I must admit, this one is a little special. Firstly Mishka lives near by and secondly, I really think the people stand out in this city. I have not met one person who hasn't attempted to help me by speaking English, whether it be at the post office or local supermarket or street vendor. The place is clean and vibrant, full of history and I must say, great restaurants... comparable to some of the best in Melbourne!!!

The heart of the city is the Main Market Square, ( Rynek Główny)

..... this is where it all happens, especially at times like Easter... such as now & the place where we spend most of our time!

Horse and buggies seem to be everywhere and the horses are very well looked after and absolutley beautiful. I could have filled the blog with these creatures... I had to restrain myself !

They trot past our hotel as part of their route. It is a lovely sound.. horse shoes against the pavement
St. Mary's Church. Every hour the hejnal is played form the tall tower ... one of Krakow's most enduring traditions dating back to an event in 1241.. click the link to read and hear more. After the trumpeter has finished playing, he waves to the crowds below. I wander what they do with themselves during the rest of the hour?? Mishka any ideas?

Lots of outdoor eateries and I think we have tried them all...." No Andrey... we are not eating.... yet!"

Maryna in front of "Cloth Hall", currently under renovation

Relaxing in the sunshine.

Easter Festivities and decorations, all over the square. Click link to read more. Everywhere you go, you see people carrying these little baskets full of Easter goodies. They take them to the church to have them blessed

I think Maryna and I have walked every step of this city square and surrounds over the Easter break and have thoroughly enjoyed every moment. The ice cream is to die for and its a bit of a reward for us after the hard day of exploring this city.

I didn’t visit Auschwitz as I didn’t want to see or be told again of such horrific stomach churning time in history. If you want to, you can pick up any tourist book and read and see about it. The salt mines looked interesting but the 380 odd steps going down did not agree with my still recovering knee, so both Maryna and I agreed that the time best spent would be in local Krakow and I don’t regret any moment of it... except the soreness that I feel in my lower body tonight as I write this blog!

Local tram

Wawel.... perched on top of the hill is by far the most outstanding collection of buildings in Krakow. It is Poland's version of Buckingham palace and Westminster Abbey rolled into one. It contains an incredible amount of historical treasures that blew me away... especially the Armory and Treasury. Of course, you cannot take pics inside, so here is the link.... Wawel The pictures do not do it justice, so you will have to believe me.... it really is worth a visit and we only saw a small part of it for free.......

Wawel.   view from the river

On the walk up to the entrance

Part of the cathedral

Maryna feeling the Chackra... or feng sui

Checking out the view

Magnificantly restored and maintaied

some detail of the paintings on the upper wall..

One of the towers

Maryna having a coffee inside the walls

There are lots of plaques in the wall on the walk up to the complex, not sure what the represent, check out the link to see if it gives any clues and let me know.. we think they are people that have donated to the foundation!

The "Planty" is a ring of gardens surrounding the old town and is just staring to bloom with Spring flowers and green buds. Our hotel overlooks one part of the Planty and people walk their dogs, jog and just enjoy the surrounds. That was what I was doing when Maryna too this pic of me.... just reflecting on such a great time!

This guy below, was playing his heart out on his piano accordian... and normally I wouldnt think twice about a busker... but he was playing music I recognised and I dragged Maryna over to listen!!  Thanks mum (xox), for all those hours of playing the classics in your home.... I cant remember what he was playing, but I knew all the tunes as classical & I felt it was quite appropriate that I stay and listen to him play! It may not have been Chopin or Vivaldi at some grand theatre, (Vivaldi I would have known), but I had your voice in my head telling me all the names of the composers as he played and he got a few Zloty in his swag from me for his efforts.

More beautiful buildings

We came across BOB.. smallest car
in Krakow! I didn't know they had cars in 1580 !!

Mishka and I have discovered that Maryna has a fettish..... a pen fettish ! Everytime we go past this stationary store near work, she has to go in and look at the pens and try them out ! Weird ! She especially likes the green ones ..... Andrey... are you sure about this woman? Did you know about this strange fettish?

I have really seen Maryna come out of her shell over the last few weeks. A big change from when I first arrived and met this shy woman. Her English is improving every day.... she now speaks English without thinking and she is really enjoying her time in Krakow with us.In fact, she has become quite mischievous.... good to see her relax and enjoying herself :-))...

Maryna has also eaten Krakow out of fish! Yes she loves her fish and has discovered potato wedges!! In fact, Mishka and I are also guilty....Salmon for the three of us for dinner tonight. Yes Mishka is back in town & we are glad to see him back, we missed the little bear and I think he missed us too.

Maryna and I went to the supermarket tonight to buy a few essentials, mandarines, chocolate, biscuits, etc, just something to much on in the office in between meals...The other thing I did promise Mishka, was to find a place that sold "Bear Crossing" Aussie wine. Strangely, I cant find it it Australia, but in Europe it seems to be one of the main imported Aussie wines.... After searching all weekend around the whole of Krakow, I finally found it..... about 100 metres from the hotel! 29.00 Zloty or AUD $11.00, which is even cheaper than Ukraine! So Mishka, when all this is over and you are back to your normal  life in Poland and want a bit of a memory jolt of the fun we have had over the 9 months..... go into the bottle shop or Alkohol (I think that is how it is spelt in Poland), shop down from the Radisson, buy yourself a bottle of Bear Crossing, share it with a friend and think of your Aussie mate thousands of miles away.. and propose a toast to me   :-))
Until next time...... (we still have a few days in Poland and with Mishka back in town, who knows what will happen....)  ....

Finally, a few pics of me and my mates enjoyning our time in Krakow, Poland..... there are a lot as we get carried away with the camera, so I might just scatter them throughout future blogs, so they dont get lost.... here are a few...and a few more at Vienna airport and on the plane back to Kharkiv



 And a silly shot... !! Where are Mishka's and Mez's heads??

Mishka's photgraphic
skills, nice pics inside a
Polish restaurant

For Maryna and Mishka... "I'm terrified, but I'm not leaving.... I know I have to pass this test"...... (sorry folks... in house joke!!)

Having a puff in "smokers paradise" in Vienna Airport

Mishka's immigration card... finally declaring he is on business and not in Kharkiv as a Tourist!!
Thanks Mishka and Maryna for great memories in Poland
